Wednesday, March 28, 2012

[Tea Flash] Dan Stein on the Hidden Dangers Lurking in the Lame Duck 2012

Federation for American Immigration Reform

Dear friend of FAIR,

It's good to see candidates taking strong stances on illegal immigration enforcement -- a debate started by FAIR long ago. Encouraging? Yes. But I'd like to update you on current immigration policies. I must warn you, we're up against career politicians grabbing money from those who profit from cheap votes and illegal labor.

Check out my latest video for more information on the prospects for 2012 – including the administration's secret plan to use immigration for divisive partisan gain!

dan stein video

FAIR is working for you, fighting legislative battles that don't make the news. These small policy matters we fight day in and day out give us the credibility to defeat the big fish, like the 2010 DREAM Act. I hope you're pleased with our efforts to pass measures to crack down on illegal immigration. While our foes at the national level are persistent and determined, our investment in state and local enforcement partnerships is paying off.

FAIR will continue to keep you informed, promote policies that are in our best interest of our nation, and fight those that are not. But we can't do this alone. I encourage you to help us today, no matter the size of your contribution. Every $5, $25, $50, or $100 helps us defend the American interests that our own representatives are content to neglect.

My sincere thanks,

Dan Stein, President

P.S. You can also mail your tax-deductible contribution to FAIR at 25 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Suite 330 Washington D.C. 20001, Attn: Membership.

Contribute today and help FAIR oppose Obama's amnesty plans for this year!

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Federation for American Immigration Reform

Don't Forget to Forward to a Friend and let them know you support immigration reform!

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bbb sealFAIR is a member of the Better Business Bureau’s Wise Giving Alliance and is one of a select few non-profit organizations that meet their high standards of operation, spending, truthfulness, and disclosure in fundraising.

Charity Navigator has awarded FAIR four out of a possible four stars. In earning Charity Navigator's highest rating, FAIR has demonstrated exceptional financial health, outperforming most of its peers in its efforts to manage and grow its finances in the most fiscally responsible way possible.

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For more information,
visit us on the web at or
contact us by phone
at 202 328 7004.

FAIR is a non-partisan, non-discriminatory non-profit organization dedicated to securing our borders, ending illegal immigration and promoting immigration levels consistent with the national interest. FAIR relies solely on the tax-deductible contributions of citizens and philanthropic foundations.

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Posted By Breaking News to Tea Flash at 3/28/2012 09:28:00 AM

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