Try to imagine a time and place in America where an unelected, albeit powerful, government insider unilaterally announces that the law of land is going to be suspended, and replaced with something, well, something else – something that looks a heck of a lot like a plan recently rejected by Congress.
To which the powerful government insider and his political masters reply: "Just watch us – we are using our discretion!" Hard to believe? Yes. But this is precisely what has happened in recent months – ever since June 17 – when the Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) declared that deportation laws for illegal aliens will – effectively immediately – no longer be enforced, except in extreme cases where the potential deportee is a violent criminal or a potential terrorist. Under the rubric of "prosecutorial discretion" ICE's head honcho has effectively managed to implement the provisions of a bill that was defeated by Congress last year calling for "amnesty" for various categories of illegal aliens. Indeed, the Morton memo, lays out entire categories of illegal aliens (as opposed to individuals) against whom ICE will simply not to apply laws as they were written by Congress. According to the memo, "ICE officers, agents and attorneys should consider all relevant factors, including, but not limited to" 19 specific categories of deportable aliens. Among the factors ICE personnel are instructed to consider are:
What's more, there is absolutely no provision for independent monitoring or any other mechanism to hold ICE responsible. The result? Non-criminal illegal aliens will simply be permitted to remain in the country and work here illegally, without fear of removal. The interests of the United States of America, it seems to me, is not being well served by this kind of law-making by memo! If, like me, you are outraged that the administration is refusing to carry out its responsibilities to enforce most immigration laws, please help FAIR get out our message: Non-enforcement unacceptable. A donation $20 or $30 will go a long way to help us promote public understanding and critical thinking about the miscarriage of American justice by immigration officials. Please give now! It is fast and convenient to make a one-time gift to FAIR or a specify a monthly amount. Remember, without your help, we cannot be effective. ............................................................ Federation for American Immigration Reform | © 2011. All rights reserved. |
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