Thursday, August 11, 2011

Obama Giving Amnesty Using Executive Powers

Federation for American Immigration Reform

Are you willing to donate $15 to tell Barack Obama that you condemn his obvious contempt for Congressional defeat of the DREAM Act? Please don't decide until you read this message, which outlines precisely how our president continues to ignore the will of the American people and pursue a surreptitious plan for granting stealth amnesty to illegal aliens.

Donate to FAIR

Working with open border special interests like the ACLU, SPLC, and Casa de Maryland - whose chilling vision for a lawless border represents everything that FAIR opposes -- Obama is advancing a national "amnesty by decree" agenda to circumvent the will of the people and American interests.

Consider the following:

  • A recent memo to ICE agents from Enforcement Director John Morton directed agents to use "prosecutorial discretion" in their enforcement efforts -- in effect, granting administrative amnesty to potentially deportable illegal aliens. Thankfully, FAIR staff got the word out quickly and Congress has responded by holding hearings that will hopefully hinder the administration's efforts.

  • Attorney General Eric Holder filed a lawsuit against the State of Alabama's valiant attempt to enforce immigration laws -- in effect, signaling that the feds don't want any jurisdiction to enforce the laws it refuses to enforce. Fortunately, FAIR is on the forefront of helping the states write new laws as effective as the Arizona's SB 1070, which we helped draft.

  • After Maryland's Legislature decided to burden state taxpayers by passing in-state tuition for illegal aliens, Marylanders garnered enough petition signatures to bring this issue to a general referendum in November 2012 -- stopping this ludicrous law in its tracks!! Casa de Maryland has already announced that it will spend upwards of $5 million to silence opponents and stop the referendum.


And it won't stop there! These are just three examples of "Amnesty by Decree" that FAIR has discovered and is fighting against -- on behalf of law-abiding, tax-paying Americans like you!

If you share our outrage at this imperious brand of stealth amnesty, act right now. Send $15 to fuel the FAIR Fight for meaningful -- not farcical -- enforcement of our immigration laws. Every dollar we receive helps to pay for FAIR's research and field operations teams across the country.

Send FAIR $15 now and tell the president that amnesty by any other name is still amnesty.


Charity Navigator Charity Navigator/BBB Wise Giving Alliance

Federation for American Immigration Reform | © 2011. All rights reserved.


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