| February 22, 2011 |  | | | | |  | | Friends of ALIPAC, Now we are back up and rolling, there's not a moment to spare! Illegal alien supporters have stalled our legislation in New Mexico and Virginia where Democratic lawmakers have defeated some of our bills! Please remember that we need all of you taking initiative. While reports from lawmakers indicate that people on our side are contacting them, WE DO NOT HAVE THE ACTIVITY LEVEL WE NEED FOR VICTORY IN 2011. You can change that by taking action on your own here in our Battle of the States 2011 section at this link... Get on the phones, get in their offices, get in their mailboxes and in-boxes http://www.alipac.us/forum-24.html --- PLEASE TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION IN UTAH AND INDIANA TODAY! Step 1: Utah Moves Against In-State Tuition for Illegals! Get on the phones to support the Utah Legislation. An important bill (HB191) that reverses Utah's current policy of offering taxpayer subsidized in state tuition to illegal aliens is headed for the house floor. While ALIPAC has helped defeat in state tuition for illegals in almost 20 states, this would be the first state where we reversed the policy. Call/write the Utah State House representatives with your own polite version of this message. "Please support and pass HB 191 to end Utah's policy of giving illegal immigrants in state tuition breaks. In state tuition for illegal aliens encourages more illegal immigration and forces Utah taxpayers to replace innocent American students in those limited seats in college. This is why most states and most voters have rejected this policy." CONTACT INFO FOR UTAH STATE HOUSE http://www.utah.gov/house/representatives.html BACKGROUND ARTICLE Panel votes to end tuition break for undocumented students http://www.alipac.us/ftopict-228662.html STEP 2: Utah's version of Arizona's SB 1070! A bill that is an improved version of Arizona's illegal immigration crackdown bill has just passed the Utah House and is headed for the state senate. Please deliver your own version of our sample message via calls and emails. "Please support and pass HB70 in the Utah Senate. It is time to end Utah's reputation as an illegal alien sanctuary and license state and to protect Utah's workers, students, taxpayers, and voters from the negative effects of illegal immigration. We need local police enforcing immigration laws which is supported by a vast majority of American citizens. I hope that you will stand up for American citizens as Arizona has done by passing HB70 without any guest worker amnesty provisions in it." Utah State Senate Contact Info http://www.utahsenate.org/aspx/roster.aspx Background Article Utah House Passes Sandstrom's Immigration Enforcement Bill http://www.alipac.us/ftopict-228818.html STEP 3: Sen. Mike Delph's bill to crackdown on illegal immigration in Indiana (Senate Bill 590) is encountering massive resistance by illegal alien supporters! The good news is that our team has gotten the bill through committee and it is headed to the floor. Time for ALIPACers to light up the phones in both houses in Indiana with the following messages... "I'm calling/writing to ask you to please support and pass Senator Delph's SB 590 legislation to crack down on illegal immigration in Indiana. Illegal aliens are draining millions of tax dollars and we need you to vote yes on SB 590 to protect American workers, students, taxpayers, and voters from the negative impact of illegal immigration." CONTACT INFO Senate: http://www.in.gov/cgi-bin/legislative/listing/listing-2.pl?data=alpha&chamber=Senate House of Reps: http://www.in.gov/cgi-bin/legislative/listing/listing-2.pl?data=alpha&chamber=House Background Article Sen. Mike Delph Files Legislation to Crack Down on Illegal Immigration in Indiana http://www.alipac.us/ftopict-225229.html Special Notice Right now we do not have the level of response from our activists needed for victory in 2011 and we need your help to change that immediately. Many of our folks are working very hard and they need your help! The wins and losses coming in are about even at this moment but soon either our side or the illegal alien side will have the advantage depending how these votes in the states go! The illegal aliens and their supporters are highly energized, organized, and funded. They are in the halls and on the phones fighting against your interests today. Wins for our side in Utah and Indiana could throw the momentum our way. If the illegal aliens stop our legislation in a few more states then they could gain the upper hand for 2011. We need ALIPAC supporters from all states to converge with great activism in Utah and Indiana to support our friends on the ground in those critical battleground states. Our activists stand ready to assist you, encourage you, advise you, and receive your questions and reports at this activism link... http://www.alipac.us/ftopicp-1188095.html#1188095 The ALIPAC Team www.alipac.us
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