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Monday, February 28, 2011
Saudi National on Student Visa Arrested in Terror Plot
Sunday, February 27, 2011
ALIPAC Emergency Backup System: 24 hour notice
(Mailing list information, including unsubscription instructions, is located at the end of this message.)
This message is being sent to you via Americans for Legal Immigration PAC's emergency email backup system to assure everyone is reached and understands we only have 24 hours remaining to avoid disruption or shutdown in our fight against illegal immigration.
Friends of ALIPAC,
Many thanks to those of you who have responded by making donations essential to the continued efforts of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC. We only have 24 hours left before the March 1 deadline hits at Midnight on Monday night.
At the time of this email, we have only raised $28,000 of the $40,000 we need to avoid disruption of our operations. While we can allow a few extra days for those of you who are mailing in checks (ALIPAC, PO Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622) or responding to the mail you've received from us...
We must have a new strong wave of donations via our secure online donations page to have any hope of making our goal.
Please donate any amount you can afford via this secure link within the next 24 hours...
ALIPAC's Secure Online Donations Page...
We hope that a disruption of our efforts can be avoided.
For those of you who do not often read our homepage at, we need you to understand that we could be on the verge of passing strong illegal immigration crackdown legislation in an unprecedented number of states in 2011!
These next few days and weeks are critical as legislation is being stalled by illegal alien supporters (mostly Democrats along with a few RINO Republicans) in several states! They are even trying to steal our momentum by trying to pass a state level AMNESTY for illegals in Utah and in-state tuition for illegals in several other states.
Our side now has pro-enforcement legislation advancing in 40 states which is designed to put the illegal aliens on the run!
See ALIPAC's Tracking / Activism list for 2011
ALIPAC has special activist operations moving forward in each of these states with efforts afoot to get legislation filed in the remaining ten states.
We have extra targeted efforts underway in Texas, Utah, North Carolina, and Indiana.
We have special plans in the queue for California, Arizona, and New York!
The decision is yours. Do you want ALIPAC advancing against illegal immigration more than ever before, or stalled in the water begging for funds to keep the lights on?
The decision is yours!
We hope our donors and volunteers will rally.
William Gheen and The ALIPAC Team
PS: To help ALIPAC avoid shutdown or derailment this week, please click on the link below to make a donation of any amount. We must reach our minimal operations goal by midnight Monday night. A little over 24 hours to go...
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Paid for by AMERICANS FOR LEGAL IMMIGRATION PAC Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966 Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 703-0864 FEC ID: C00405878Thursday, February 24, 2011
Washington Should Put American Workers First
During his 2011 State of the Union Address, President Obama made a commitment to create new jobs and get our economy back on track. The president could easily accomplish this right now. Any new investment in job creation by our government should ensure that the jobs go to American workers. One of the ways to guarantee this is to make the E-Verify program a requirement for all employers. With over seven million jobs currently held by illegal aliens, this mandate could help put millions of out of work Americans back on the payrolls. With the new Congress embracing an “enforcement first” agenda on immigration, we are on the cusp of finally seeing some serious efforts to enforce our immigration laws. But we need your help.
By donating today, you can help ensure that FAIR is able to continue to educate our legislators and encourage them to act on issues like the millions of Americans that are out of work, the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens that cross our borders each and every year, and the employers who create unfair competition for much needed jobs by hiring illegal workers. As the primary source of quality information about the immigration issue, FAIR keeps you updated daily on the latest news and events straight from Capitol Hill. Help us continue providing information to the public and American employers about the vital need for E-Verify and to remind the White House and Congress that American workers should come first!
Federation for American Immigration Reform | Copyright © 2011. All rights reserved. | our work. AN IMMIGRATION REFORM AGENDA FOR THE 112th CONGRESS Get the full
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Illegals March on Texas: ALIPAC Deploys Behind Americans
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Tuesday, February 22, 2011
U.S. Immigration Agent Gunned Down in Mexico