Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) is issuing a major election fraud alert to our national network of activists, groups, campaigns, and media. We are requesting that everyone take immediate interest in these matters and take appropriate steps to investigate, document, and report. While the Republican gains of November 2, 1010 may appear historic in scope and nature, it appears that two major election fraud mechanisms may be biasing the full national results. The reports and indications would suggest a large degree of suspicious electronic problems with voting machines that consistently directed votes from Republicans to Democrats. People are calling this 'flipping' Here are many of the reports we have collected... The reports and indications also suggest the presence of non citizen voters comprised of legal and illegal immigrants voting in elections. It is a felony for any non citizen to vote in a US election and while the scale of involvement is unknown it could be very substantial in some areas including North Carolina, Nevada, Colorado, and Washington state. In many of these areas, Democratic candidates campaigned and appealed to illegal aliens, and deployed illegals to bring out similar voters. The Democratic 'Get Out The Vote' (GOTV) mechanisms have no interest or ability to discern voters who are American citizens versus non citizens. One of the most common search terms on Google today is "STEAL NEVADA"! Free Republic activists are reporting that in some states like Nevada, the supposed election results are radically divergent from the pre election polling predictions while these same predictions held consistent in other states and areas. These leaked emails from Las Vegas NV make it pretty clear that Harrah's and other casinos feared Sharron Angle's opposition to illegal immigration and believed it could 'destroy our industry'. Many federal election laws are in doubt here... (Warning: disturbing evidence) Angle Files Voter Intimidation Complaint with Justice Department ALIPAC calls on all media, activists, campaigns, Tea Party groups, and GOP groups to immediately try to analyze the integrity of the 2010 elections in two ways. ACTION ITEM 1. Please look at the way the Atlanta Journal Constitution and WSB-TV recently documented non citizens registering to vote and actually voting in Georgia. In the greatest proof of illegal aliens voting in America to emerge yet, this study should be immediately repeated nationwide. It appears that these media groups obtained county records showing which individuals were excused from jury duty due to not being citizens. They compared those records with local voter registration records and voting data and found mass voter fraud and hundreds of felonies in their sample! This method needs immediate application in Nevada, Washington State, and other areas. Please document all of your findings. REPORTS AND METHODS FROM GEORGIA Channel 2 Investigates: Non-Citizens Voting In Georgia Elections Local Leaders Admit To Not Keeping Accurate Records VIDEO ACTION ITEM 2 National talk radio show host Roger Hedgecock found illegal aliens registered to vote in California when he walked through some Hispanic neighborhoods with a list of registered voters. Where illegals are registered, we can all safely assume illegal aliens will be voting. Now that the voting has taken place, please request lists from your local boards of elections of all voters that ACTUALLY VOTED in precincts where Democrats dominated and felt very comfortable. Then use recorders to document your contact and be highly polite and professional, but we want you to start contacting voters who are listed as having voted in these precincts and politely inquire about their immigration status. Inquiries should be recorded appropriately under local laws and should be conducted in English and Spanish. ACTION ITEM 3 Please immediately share this information and these requests with all of your candidates who did not win on Tuesday, your local GOP groups, your local Tea Party and immigration enforcement groups etc.... Please document all that you do and take independent action as an American activist now. We only have a limited amount of time to document more evidence of illegal alien voters and voting machine 'flipping'. ALIPAC has set up an information collection point at this link below. Please use this link to post your findings, questions, suggestions, concerns etc..... Tracking Post at this link... The ALIPAC Team AMERICANS FOR LEGAL IMMIGRATION PAC Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966 Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 703-0864 FEC ID: C00405878
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