Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Reid to File Cloture on DREAM Act TODAY - Call Your Senators NOW!

Federation for American Immigration Reform

Reid to File Cloture on DREAM Act TODAY
Call Your Senators NOW!

Today Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) stated that he planned to file a cloture motion on the DREAM Act this evening -- beginning debate on the legislation and possibly forcing a vote in the Senate as soon as Thursday! (CQ Today, Nov. 30, 2010)

Three versions of the DREAM Act are alive in the Senate and there is no telling which version of the bill Sen. Reid will advance. Even White House representatives claimed to not know which version of the bill Sen. Reid would file cloture on during a conference call with amnesty advocates this afternoon. While Sen. Reid and Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) continue to mislead the public into believing that the DREAM Act would only benefit children, in reality, all three Senate versions of the bill contain a retroactive benefits provision that would grant amnesty to illegal aliens of virtually any age. Moreover, once illegal aliens receive amnesty they will be able (at the age of 21) to petition the government to bring in their parents, siblings, and other family members.

Call your Senators NOW and tell them that you want our immigration laws enforced, not another amnesty that encourages more illegal immigration. Tell them:

  • The DREAM Act rewards those who broke U.S. immigration laws and only encourages more illegal immigration;
  • The DREAM Act unfairly allows illegal alien students to tap federal and state benefits, when those benefits are desperately needed by Americans who are struggling every day to make ends meet.

The White House and open borders lobby are fighting hard to get the DREAM Act passed--we need to work even harder to make sure that it doesn't! NOW is the time to act and to call your Senators. If you don't take action, the only voices they will hear will be the ones that support amnesty, open borders, and immigration policies that serve special interests, not the interests of Americans.

To find the phone numbers of your Senators, click hereStay tuned to FAIR for more information. Thanks to everyone who has called this week - we are turning the tide.


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FAIR is a non-partisan, non-discriminatory non-profit organization dedicated to securing our borders, ending illegal immigration and promoting immigration levels consistent with the national interest. FAIR relies solely on the tax-deductible contributions of citizens and philanthropic foundations.


Flood of calls, emails, and visits needed to these 2 offices

Friends of ALIPAC,

We may have a big problem in Maine. According to our DC sources, calls from Americans are starting to outpace calls from illegal alien supporters but not in the offices of US Senators Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe.  Collins and Snowe are not releasing their positions on Dream Amnesty and the illegal alien supporters have their hopes pinned on Collins and Snowe joining the Dems pass the Cloture vote on the bill.

Maine is a low impact illegal immigration state, so we need ALIPAC activists from all across America calling these offices with your own versions of our sample messages and your own messages about the negative impact of illegal immigration in your area.




Remember to call, and then communicate in writing.

SAMPLE MESSAGES for your calls, emails, and office visits.

"Please vote No on Cloture for the Dream Act Amnesty bill that would displace and replace millions of American students, workers, and voters."

"Please do not allow a controversial bill like Dream Act Amnesty to proceed, after such a historic backlash in this year's elections."

"Can your offices provide me with an estimate on how many innocent American students, workers, and voters will be displaced or negatively impacted, if Dream Act Amnesty is passed?"

"Does your office have an estimate on how many millions of illegal aliens will quickly enter the US, if you reward illegal aliens with Dream Act Amnesty?"

"I plan to oppose any member of the US Senate who votes YES on CLOTURE for the Dream Act Amnesty. Forty four Dream Act Amnesty supporters lost their seats in 2010 and I am certain more Dream Act Amnesty supporters will be defeated in 2012. Please stand with we Americans who are calling you and please do not listen to the illegal aliens and their supporters who want you to pass Amnesty"

"Please ask Senator _______ to make her position for or against Dream Act Amnesty Cloture votes Known so American voters will know, if they should support or oppose her in the next elections."


Susan M. Collins
413 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-2523
Fax: (202) 224-2693
Email: http://collins.senate.gov/public/continue.cfm?FuseAction=ContactSenatorCollins.EmailIssue&CFID=63941785&CFTOKEN=54058821

Caribou State Office:
25 Sweden Street, Suite A
Caribou, ME 04736
Main: (207) 493-7873

Bangor State Office:
P.O. Box 655
202 Harlow Street, Room 204
Bangor, ME 04402
Main: (207) 945-0417

Augusta State Office:
68 Sewall Street, Room 507
Augusta, ME 04330
Main: (207) 622-8414

Lewiston State Office:
55 Lisbon Street
Lewiston, ME 04240
Main: (207) 784-6969

Biddeford State Office:
160 Main Street
Biddeford, ME 04005
Main: (207) 283-1101

Portland State Office:
One Canal Plaza
Suite 802
Portland, ME 04101
Main: (207) 780-3575

Olympia J. Snowe
154 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5344
Toll Free: (800) 432-1599
Fax: (202) 224-1946
Email: http://snowe.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=ContactSenatorSnowe.Email

Auburn State Office:
Two Great Falls Plaza
Suite 7B
Auburn, ME 04210
Main: (207) 786-2451
Fax: (207) 782-1438

Augusta State Office:
Edmund S. Muskie Federal Building
40 Western Avenue
Room 408C
Augusta, ME 04330
Main: (207) 622-8292
Fax: (207) 622-7295

Bangor State Office:
202 Harlow Street
Suite 214
Bangor, ME 04401
Main: (207) 945-0432
Fax: (207) 941-9525

Biddeford State Office:
227 Main Street
Biddeford, ME 04005
Main: (207) 282-4144
Fax: (207) 284-2358

Portland State Office:
3 Canal Plaza
Suite 601
Portland, ME 04101
Main: (207) 874-0883
Fax: (207) 874-7631

Presque Isle State Office:
169 Academy Street
Suite 3
Presque Isle, ME 04769
Main: (207) 764-5124
Fax: (207) 764-6420
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Americans for Legal Immigration PAC ALIPAC | PO Box 30966 | Raleigh | NC | 27622

VIDEO: Teddy Bear & Grenade: Americans Displaced & Replaced

5 minutes of your time need to help defeat Amnesty....

Step 1: Click on this link to watch and consider the video from this morning at 6:15am on Fox and Friends....

Teddy Bear & Grenade: Dream Act Amnesty to Displace and Replace Americans

Step 2: If you have a Youtube account, make a supportive comment beneath the video, then click on the 'thumbs up' symbol, then click on "Add to +" and add it to your Favorites. This will help the video reach more online viewers on Youtube.

Step 3: Forward a copy of this email or just the video title and link to all of your e-mail contacts. You can also post it on your Twitter, Facebook, and Myspace accounts if you have them. If you run a blog or website, please add this video.

Step 4: Send copies of this video to your members of Congress and your local media and favorite national media sources. Utilize this video in your activism and distribute as many copies or links as possible.

Most activists can accomplish all of these simple steps in just a few minutes.

Please do all you can to drive up the number of views online for this video!


PS: New activist instructions will be sent to you in a few hours. Until then, please work on getting this video out and yesterday's action alert found at this link...

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Americans for Legal Immigration PAC ALIPAC | PO Box 30966 | Raleigh | NC | 27622

Monday, November 29, 2010

VIDEO: ALIPAC Fighting Against Dream Act Amnesty on CNN

Friends of ALIPAC,

ALIPAC is quoted briefly in this very biased CNN piece.

Please take a few minutes to watch this and to make a supportive comment for our side or a critical comment about the Dream Act Amnesty at this link....

ALIPAC Fighting Against Dream Act Amnesty on CNN

Please be ready to receive more activist materials early Tuesday morning.

Please keep filling those voice mail boxes in DC tonight with the sample message sent to you earlier today.


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Americans for Legal Immigration PAC ALIPAC | PO Box 30966 | Raleigh | NC | 27622

Reid to Call Cloture Vote on DREAM Act

Legislative Update

FOR THE WEEK OF November 29, 2010 

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Reid to Call Cloture Vote on DREAM Act

email imageSenate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) told senior aides that he plans to file a cloture motion on the DREAM Act early this week, which will allow the Senate to vote on whether to begin debate on the bill as soon as Wednesday.

Read the full article

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UVA Study Shows Immigration Enforcement Ordinance in Virginia a Success

email imageLast week, the University of Virginia released a 3-yr study of Virginia’s Prince William County’s immigration enforcement ordinance which concluded that the ordinance had helped reduce the county’s illegal alien population by 2,000 to 6,000 over the course of two years.  During the same time period, hit-and-run accidents in the county went down by nearly half and aggravated assaults dropped by 47 percent. In addition, the study showed that the ordinance helped reduce serious problems of overcrowding in housing in certain areas of the county. Finally, the study also found that there was “no evidence of overzealous or inappropriate immigration enforcement actions by police.”  While the study suggested that the ordinance disrupted some police-community relationships, it found that these quickly returned.

Read the full article

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Hate Crimes Against Hispanics Drop Three Years in a Row

email imageNewly released FBI hate crime data show that for the third consecutive year, the number of Hispanics nationwide who fell victim to hate crimes decreased dramatically. In 2009, the FBI recorded 692 victims of anti-Hispanic hate crimes compared with 792 in 2008 and 830 in 2007. This decline is further magnified when one takes into account that the number of law enforcement agencies contributing data to the FBI hate crime reports has increased nine percent since 2007.

Read the full article

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New Research from FAIR

Refugee and Asylum Policy Reform
November 2010

Immigration and the 2010 Midterm Elections
November 2010

Immigration and National Security: 2010 Update
September 2010



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