Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The dirty secret government doesn’t want you to know...

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education report cover

You've probably read about the looming threats of attack from terrorist groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda. But government doesn't want you to find out about the ongoing assault right here at home on our public education system by skyrocketing immigration costs.

Currently, American tax payers pay $59.8 billion to educate Limited English Proficiency (LEP) public school students and an additional $43.8 billion to educate illegal aliens and their children. If we continue on this path, by 2018 we will need 82,408 more LEP teachers at a projected cost of an additional $6.3 billion.

Add it all up, and that's over $66.1 billion paid by American taxpayers to educate limited English speaking students by 2018! It's hurting the educational opportunities for all Americans.

FAIR has dug deep and is presenting this groundbreaking analysis in a new report, Failing Schools: What Every Parent and Taxpayer Must Know About Immigration and the Public Education Crisis. But in order to inform policy makers and citizens across the country we'll need your help.

There are 4.9 million LEP students enrolled in public schools. That is 1 in every 10 students. 3.6 million illegal aliens and their children are enrolled in LEP programs. This has created a strain on school budgets with American children being the main casualties.

We can't let these startling numbers remain hidden. With your financial support, FAIR can send this report to parents and taxpayers across America.

With shrinking school budgets, the added intake of refugees, illegal aliens, and new immigrants is only creating more of a drain on limited funds and is diminishing the quality of education for all students.

FAIR is fighting to change this by speaking out against unfunded mandates that require states to educate illegal aliens and their children. At a time when immigration is at the forefront, we can't miss out on this opportunity to tell the untold story of immigration's part in the education crisis. With your contribution, you'll be making an impact on the future of America's education system and its youth.


Dan Stein, President

P.S. With a donation of $50 or more we'll send you and two other people of your choice a bound copy of, Failing Schools: What Every Parent and Taxpayer Must Know About Immigration and the Public Education Crisis when it is released in September.

FAIR is a non-partisan, non-discriminatory non-profit organization dedicated to securing our borders, ending illegal immigration and promoting immigration levels consistent with the national interest. FAIR relies solely on the tax-deductible contributions of citizens and philanthropic foundations.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

President Obama's DACA Amnesty at the Four-Year Mark

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Legislative Update

President Obama's DACA Amnesty at the Four-Year Mark

refugee This month marks four years since President Obama circumvented Congress and administratively implemented his executive amnesty program known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

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Sanctuary City Releases Accused Child Rapist

hanen Public outrage is spreading after an illegal alien released as a result of Philadelphia's sanctuary policy was subsequently arrested for raping a child under the age of thirteen.

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FAIR is a non-partisan, non-discriminatory non-profit organization dedicated to securing our borders, ending illegal immigration and promoting immigration levels consistent with the national interest. FAIR relies solely on the tax-deductible contributions of citizens and philanthropic foundations.

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